How to Sell More Crochet


Whether you sell your crochet items on Etsy, Ravelry or your own crochet blog or other online selling platform…you probably want to earn more than you are currently earning. Probably a LOT more! So let’s do it! Keep reading to learn the not so secret strategy to learn how to sell more crochet.

You are probably already aware of Pinterest, but you might not be aware of the readily available way to take a Pinterest strategy to the next level.

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So Much Work So Little $$$

Most crocheters who sell their finished crochet products complain that they don’t earn enough to make it worth their while to continue. But they desperately want to! They love to crochet. Don’t we all? Or maybe you want to start selling your crochet but you’ve heard all the horror stories of sellers who barely earn enough to pay for the materials.

Maybe you are already selling your crochet but you’re not selling as much as you had hoped. Is your Etsy shop gathering dust? Are crickets chirping loudly from your Ravelry pages? Is your crochet blog sitting idle and costing you more to keep it up than it is earning you in crochet sales?

Well, it’s time to change up your sales strategy! Don’t worry. We’ll be using the tried and true Pinterest to boost your sales. Already using Pinterest but getting nowhere fast? Well, let’s change it up a little to start driving real traffic to your crochet blog or Etsy shop.

Motherlode of Crochet Traffic

If you are not already aware, Pinterest is by far the motherlode when it comes to crochet traffic.

And it’s fairly easy, even for Pinterest newbies, to get in on the action. If you already have a Pinterest account but you are still not seeing that massive traffic to your own sales pages, you probably need to boost your strategy.

While Pinterest itself is a super robust, incredibly popular social media platform, it can take quite a lot of work to be able to use it to its maximum potential.

Power of Pinterest Groups

If you are not already taking advantage of Pinterest Groups…you MUST do so now. Like immediately. Like yesterday! What’s the big hoopla about Groups?

If you are creating pins already and pinning them to your own boards, that’s a fine start. But, it’s just a start. You are probably relying on chance that those pins will be seen by your target audience. You cross your fingers and hope that your pins come up in searches.

Joining Pinterest Groups gets your pins seen by a much greater, vastly greater viewership. Those groups are run by folks that have developed a large following (if you choose the right groups!). You will have a boatload more eyes on your pins. Those viewers will be compelled to click over to your sales pages and voila! More sales!

Let’s say you’ve joined a bunch of Pinterest Group Boards and you’ve started pinning to all of them. You will want to re-pin to those boards every so often. However, that’s not as easy as it sounds.

Each Group owner will have their own set of “rules”. Some allow you to pin to your heart’s content. Yay! Others allow you to only pin 3 pins per day. Another Group might allow you to re-pin the same pin only every 4 weeks. And yet another Group might not allow any re-pinning of the same pin at all (or else!).

As you can see, trying to keep track of all these Groups with all their myriad of different rules can get out of control right out of the gate! It happened to me! I started with a spreadsheet to track this but that only lasted about a week before I gave up the spreadsheet altogether. Way too much work!

Not So Secret Advantage

Luckily I had already been vaguely aware of the Pinterest partner Tailwind and I knew it was time to dig deeper. I’d read about many, many other crafters that swore by Tailwind. It became obvious that those folks were onto something and it would probably be a good idea if I learned more.

Long story short…I discovered Tailwind was a godsend for serious Pinterest users. I wrote a very detailed post on what all Tailwind is capable of doing right here: Tailwind for Pinterest Drives Massive Traffic

Immediately after implementing Tailwind for my Pinterest pinning, traffic to this blog and to my Etsy shop CrazyCoolCrochetUS skyrocketed!

All the guesswork was taken out of all the Pinterest pinning! It was no longer a long, laborious, frustrating task. Tailwind did all the legwork for me and it was well worth the small monthly fee. The additional sales more than made up for the relatively low expense.

So…if you are ready to boost your crochet sales and earn a lot more money from your crochet skills, do yourself a huge favor and try it out yourself! Tailwind offers an incredibly generous FREE TRIAL offer. They allow you to schedule 100 pins for free!

Boost your sales! Try Tailwind now!

Get much more detail on how to join Pinterest Groups, how to set up a business Pinterest account (easy!) and how to use Pinterest to drive more sales here: Monetize with Pinterest

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