Welcome to Crazy Cool Crochet!

Here at
But first a little background.
I started crocheting at my grandmother’s knee (cliche, but true) when I was about 10 years old. She was rarely seen without her crochet hook and skeins of yarn. She sold tons of beautiful garments to her scores of loyal customers. For many years this was her only source of income. And now my crochet biz is MY only source of income! We’ve come full circle.
Here she is rocking bell sleeves in the ’70’s! Her own creation of course.

She made this beautiful, elegant shawl below for me many years ago. The design and quality

I am now creating my own crochet designs and patterns to share with fellow crocheters who long to earn an income from their love of all things crochet.
I’ll share crochet patterns here for free, or if you prefer to work from more detailed patterns you can purchase them very inexpensively at my Etsy shop here: CrazyCoolCrochetUS Your support is greatly appreciated!
I will also show you how to sell what you make! Yes, you can make money from your love of crochet!!
I once sold 50 ponchos in 3 weeks during a holiday season!! I was cranking them out super fast and they were selling as soon as I put them out. I’ll show you how you can achieve similar results!

If you are looking to make SERIOUS money from your passion then you need to head straight over to the Start a Blog page. THAT is where the money making potential is.
There are many, many bloggers (including crochet bloggers!) who are making from $2,000 – $10,000 (and up) a month. A month. Most of those started earning thousands within the first few months. I know that might sound scammy….but it’s completely legit. They all follow the same business model to achieve those results.
I have done all the legwork and deep research and am following that same business model. Follow me and the methods I outline here and let’s make our own success stories!
2022 Update
As if working 7 days a week on Crazy Cool Crochet didn’t keep me busy enough, I decided to complete a previous, non-crochet related project that I began eight years ago. I published my first fiction novel! Yep! I did that. It is called Surviving the Day of Destruction; Apocalypse to New World Earth. It’s purely fiction; my imagination gone amok. LOL! I began it so long ago, hit a wall, put it away, then finally about a year ago I added to it. Stopped again until the spring of 2022. I finally completed it! Here is the Amazon link if you would like to take a peak:

I fully intend to continue with my crochet business! Please, keep checking back for more crochet patterns and crochet related articles!
Contact Me
Contact me at admin@crazycoolcrochet.com with any business related issues. For questions or comments about posts or patterns, please leave a comment on the post.
You may make and sell items made from my patterns/tutorials. I ask that you link back to my blog or Etsy shop. CrazyCoolCrochet.com or CrazyCoolCrochetUS.etsy.com
Do not copy or copy/paste patterns from CrazyCoolCrochet.com. All patterns are copyright protected.
You MAY share/post links to my blog posts/patterns in roundups or mentions on your blog. You are hereby given permission to use up to two photos from each separate pattern. Remember to LINK back to my pattern/post.
Thank you for your support and cooperation!
Those are beautiful ponchos: Hello Sylvia ; my name is Lisa Mcfall I like Crocheting and i would like to start a business to make money from my crochet. I don’t have a website or a name , because i don’t know where to start….PLEASE HELP YOUR NEW FOLLOWER LISA;)’ I found you on Youtube.
Hi Lisa!
So good to hear from a fellow crocheter who is interested in a crochet business. If you’ve seen some of my crochet income videos or read the blog posts here on earning an income from crochet, you’ve seen the amazing potential with a crochet business.
Here are two links to get you started. This first one is a blog post with general information and the second is a link to a brand new course I just launched that teaches step by step how to do this: https://crazycoolcrochet.com/start-a-blog/ https://crazycoolcourses.teachable.com/p/step-by-step-to-full-time-crochet-income
I hope you find these helpful. Let me know if you have any questions and thank you so much for the follow and the comment!
HELP!! I’M in love with your afghan wrap. I need to know please, how many skeins of each color I need. PLEASE RESPOND. They are going to be Christmas presents. Can you also tell me where i can buy enough of each color. Thank you. Debbie
Hi Deborah,
Of course I’ll respond! I appreciate that you like my afghan wrap so much. Please click on this link. It will take you to that pattern post here on CrazyCoolCrochet.com. It has the materials list and the exact yarn used including links to be able to purchase.
I have made three of the pocket shawls so far. I am now starting another. the person is only 4 ft 11, more broad than tall. I am going to use the small measurements, but as far a length, I am not so sure. I think that 4 ft 11 = 59 inches. So, I f I make the shawl 100 rows that should work out. What do you think?
Hi Darlene,
Because you asked the question on my About page, I’m not sure which pocket shawl you are working on. I am 4’11” so the length should be fine as is. It might be the width you need to adjust to fit from the shoulders to below the hips. Again however, I can’t provide accurate advise without knowing which pocket shawl you are making.