Basket Weave Crochet Pillow


This richly textured basket weave crochet pillow cover will be a staple in your pillow inventory. This look fits in beautifully in a farmhouse styled home (or really anywhere). Scroll all the way down for 15 more pillow patterns. Yay! FREE crochet patterns!

For your convenience, this pattern is also available at my Etsy Shop so you can print and follow along with ease!

Watch the video below to learn the crochet basket weave stitch. Then come back to work the pattern for the crochet basket weave cushion cover. If you would like to support my work (THANK YOU SO MUCH), please watch on YouTube so you can leave a comment, subscribe and give a thumbs up.

basket weave crochet


For an 18 x 18 inch pillow.

4 skeins (24 oz total) of Lion Brand Wool-Ease Thick and Quick yarn. Color Fisherman. Walmart

Size N crochet hook

You will be working primarily with front and back post dc’s (fpdc, bpdc).

Ch 31

Row 1: In 3rd ch from hook dc. Dc in ea ch across. Turn.

Figure 1

Row 2: (See Figure 1.) Ch2, fpdc around 2nd dc of previous row and ea of next 3 dc’s.

Figure 2

(See Figure 2.) Then bpdc around next 4 dc of previous row.

Figure 3

(See Figure 3.) Repeat across row alternating with groups of 4 fpdc and 4 bpdc. End row with hdc in turning ch. Turn.

Figure 4

Rows 3 – 4: (See Figure 4)Ch 2. Repeat row 2 twice for 3 rows of basket weave.

crochet basket weave
Figure 5

Row 5: See Figure 5. Ch 2, bpdc around 1st dc of previous row and ea of next 3 dc’s. Then fpdc around next 4 dc of previous row. Repeat across row alternating with groups of 4 bpdc and 4 bfdc. End row with hdc in turning ch. Turn.

Rows 6 – 7: Repeat row 5 twice for 3 rows of basket weave.

basket weave crochet

Continue in basket weave pattern for a total of 8 basket rows. Tie off yarn.

Repeat for 2nd side of pillow cover. Do NOT tie off yarn after completing 2nd panel.

Joining two panels:

Place panels wrong sides together (right sides facing out). Yarn should still be joined to second panel. If not, just join yarn with hook to any corner of a panel.

basket weave crochet pillow

Insert hook in any corner of both panels and join with sl st. Sl st in ea st around 3 sides of panels. Leave one side open, keeping yarn secured to panels so as not to unravel. Insert pillow. Continue to sl st across. Tie off using your preferred method.

Copyright © 2018 Sylvia Talo You may sell items made from my patterns. Please include a link or reference to my Etsy Shop  Pattern and photos are copyright protected and may not be reproduced, redistributed, or displayed publicly in any way.

Here are 15 easy free crochet pillow patterns!

free crochet pillow patterns
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