Craft Fair Crochet Ideas

Does this photo of a craft fair make your heart soar? Are you a craft fair or craft show participant? Are you looking for fresh craft fair crochet ideas? I’ve got you covered!
New Crochet Product
If you want more traffic to your booth and more sales, you need to stand out from other crochet sellers. You need to have new, fresh crochet product to display to draw attention to your table.
Don’t be like everyone else selling the same old same old. There is nothing wrong with making and selling some staples and classic crochet items. Crochet lovers might be looking to replace their worn out crochet hats and gloves and scarves. They might want to update their crochet kitchen towel toppers. If these are some of your typical items and they sell well, go for it!
However, you might strongly consider shaking things up and adding some crochet items that are less expected and more interesting. I’m going to suggest one crochet item, one crochet home decor item to be exact. One. Just one. Trust me on this…
One New Crochet Item will Draw Crowds
This one crochet home decor item is all you need to draw crowds. Of course I mean in addition to your other items! This is a rather lofty statement I know. Stay with me. I’ll tell you the one item and how and why this could really change the trajectory of your craft fair sales.
Crochet Home Decor for Craft Fairs
Ok, enough stalling. And don’t shake your head or roll your eyes and think this is NOT something new at all. Listen up crochet sellers! It’s all in the presentation. And the colors. And the pops of interest.
Crochet pillow covers. No, nothing new and earth-shaking about crochet pillow covers. Or crochet cushion covers. Hold on. There’s more!
Consider that not many, if any, other crochet sellers will be offering crochet pillow covers. They might reason that they take up too much space on the table. Or they take too long to make. As I said, I’ve got you. We are going to get around all of these concerns easily.
Pillows are HOT HOT HOT home decor items! You will be hard pressed find a customer who is not going to be super excited to see crochet pillow covers being offereed.
The trick is to make something truly different and eye-catching, yet mainstream and appealing for the general customer. The example I’m going to give you is given with some very specific reasons.
Fast and Easy!
This pillow is easy and fast. I promise. I made it with scrap yarn using only basic stitches. You can use regular ole medium weight, number 4 yarn. Inexpensive yarn such as Red Heart is fine. The back is one solid color. That in itself makes it fast and easy. Using the colors I use here makes it stand out and draw attention. Even if a customer says the colors are not right for their home, you can have several made up with different color schemes. Colors more neutral or less unusual.
I show two different patterns below. The front pillow is the faster, easier design that I’m suggesting. The cranberry color block and the tiny fringe are what cause all the excitement. Here is the free pattern. But don’t leave yet! There is still a very important component that is not in the pattern. I’ll give you that info below. Cool Color Block Pillow Cover

The beauty of this idea is that you only need to show ONE pillow cover with the pillow insert. You would then have several sitting to the side as your inventory. Or just a few on the table and more inventory in boxes out of the way.
You will need to add a zipper so you can offer just the pillow cover without the pillow insert. The pattern does not show how to do this. However, I do have a separate post and detailed video that show exactly how you can do this. It only adds a few more minutes to the process but will make it super versatile and completely accessible. Here is the post with the video: Add a Zipper to Crochet
Make up different color schemes that keep the customer flipping through the covers. They will wonder what other new and exciting things you have that others don’t. This keeps them around longer! Even if your other items are more typical. They will appreciate your creativity and be more willing to spend their money with you.
Custom Orders
I’m not a fan of taking custom orders, but I know this is quite typical for many crochet sellers. This crochet pillow cover idea can be great for custom orders. With a twist!
You can be sure there will be customers that love the crochet cushion cover design but will ask for very specific colors. If you are agreeable to custom orders and have a system in place…cool! You can, and should, charge more. Explain to the customer that custom orders carry an additional cost. They should not be surprised to hear that. If anyone balks, let them know that their chosen colors will require that you take the time and effort to go out and purchase the materials special for their order. And of course there is the cost of shipping.
Additionally, you can ask for a non-refundable $5 or $10 down payment. Or full payment up front. Asking for a down payment ensures that at least the cost of materials is covered should the customer refuse the finished item or if their check bounces (how very old school of me!). Check out the other craft fair article I have below that offers a resource so you can take credit card payments with your phone. Cha ching! More sales!
Genius Idea?
Well there you have it. Genius idea? Or not so much? Let me know your thought on this idea in the comments section below. I’m truly interested to hear your feedback and suggestions.

Thank you, Sylvia! I don’t crochet to sell, but I loved being able to see where there were craft fairs. In my state, none are close to me, but I found a couple for my out-of-state friends that are crafty and will let them know. Love your blog and your patterns!
Hi Nancy,
Thank you so much for this comment. You are very kind to let me know that you are going to let your friends know.
I’m so happy you are enjoying Crazy Cool Crochet and my patterns. It makes all the effort worthwhile!