Crazy Cute Crochet Heart Headband


Pattern and VIDEO tutorial below! Also available at my Etsy shop:

Video Tutorial for Heart Headband:

View the video tutorial below. Leave a comment and a Thumbs Up if you like the tutorial. Your support is greatly appreciated!! (Click the little YouTube button at the bottom of the video.)


#4 Yarn- aprox 6 ounces needed.

Small amount of any brand super bulky yarn in white
Tiny amount of #3 or #4 weight yarn to attach heart to headband; white
Crochet hooks size I for headband and N for heart.
Tapestry/Yarn needle

Headband (hook I)


Row1: Slip stitch in 2nd ch from hook. (hdc in next ch, sl st in next ch) repeat to end. Turn.

Row 2: Ch1, sl st in 1st st from hook. (hdc in next st, sl st in next st), repeat to end. Turn.
End with slip stitch at end of ea row.

Repeat Row 2 until headband measures 18”. Adjust length as needed.

Turn work right sides together. Use your preferred method to join the two ends.

Heart (hook N):

Ch 3, sl st in 1st ch to form a ring.

Row 1: Ch 3, 3 tr, 3 dc, ch 1, 1 tr, ch 1, 3dc, 3 tr, ch 3, sl st in the ring. Tie off.

Using tapestry needle and length of yarn, attach heart to headband at the seam of headband.

Copyright © 2019 Sylvia Talo You may sell items made from my patterns. Please include a link or reference to my Etsy shop . Pattern is copyright protected; it should not be reproduced, redistributed, or displayed publicly in any way.

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