Crochet Color Block Dress

crochet-color-block-dress for free crochet patterns! FREE PATTERN and VIDEO are presented below for this magnificent (if I may say so myself LOL) crazy cool crochet color block dress. This easy to work, easy to wear crochet dress will become one of your favorite crochet dress patterns.

This crochet color block dress is designed to flatter most body types. The fit is relaxed, not at all tight. It is stylish, timeless, and super comfortable. You won’t need to worry about what undergarments to use. The weave and cut are perfect for those looking for a more discreet design. No need to worry about accidental flashing of body parts!

crochet color block dress
crochet color block dress back

The video tutorial is provided for your convenience. It is perfect as a companion to the written pattern. If you enjoy my videos, I would greatly appreciate your subscription. Crazy Cool Crochet is my only source of income and your support is tremendously helpful. You might have to view this on YouTube to see the little red subscribe button on the bottom right of the video. Thank you so much!!

If you prefer a printable version, please head over to my Etsy shop: Again, your support of my work is truly appreciated!

This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase from my links I may receive a small commission at no additional cost to you. Thank you!

Women’s Size Small

Sizes Medium, Large and Extra Large instructions are shown in parenthesis ( ).

Yarn used, hook and tension used will greatly affect sizing.

For larger sizes use a multiple of 3 plus one for the foundation chain. Foundation chain should be an even number.


For size small shown – 27 inches from shoulder to bottom. 20 inches wide at waist.


Yarn from Hobby Lobby / Yarn Bee / Soft Secret (6 ounce skeins)

Equivalent yarn if you don’t like Hobby Lobby:

White 5.5 ounces

Soft Pink 4.5 ounces

Flamingo 4 ounces

Hot Grape 15 ounces

Crochet Hook size I / 5.5 mm

Yarn needle

NOTE: Photos appear above corresponding rows

NOTE 2: To ensure a clean seam as you work the color changes on each row, when completing the sc for the color changes, tug firmly on the two strands of yarn (ea color) to “hide” the 1st color. Do this for each row.

NOTE 3: Do not cut off yarn during color changes. First color change to light pink occurs while working the “right side” of panel; keep tail of previous color to the “wrong side” of panel. When working the “wrong side” of panel, keep tails to “wrong side” of panel. This keeps all tails on the wrong side.


Ch 100 (112, 124, 136)

crochet dress foundation chain

Row 1: sc in back loops of ea ch beginning with 2nd ch from hook (enter hook from the back of ch’s). 99 (111, 123, 135) sc’s  Ch 1. Turn

crochet dress pattern

Row 2:  sc in 1st sp; ch 1; *sk next sp; sc in next sp; ch 1*. Repeat from * to * to last two sp’s. Sk 2nd to last sp; sc in turning ch. 50 (56, 62, 68) sc. Ch 1. Turn

Row 3:  sc in 1st ch 1 sp; ch 1; *sc in next ch 1 sp; ch 1*. Repeat from * to * for 50 (56, 62, 68) sc’s, entering last sc in turning ch. Ch 1. Turn

Row 4 – 20: Repeat row 3

Row 21: Repeat Row 3 for 9 (11, 13, 15) sc’s; ch 1; begin 10th (12th, 14th, 16th) sc for 2 loops on hook; drop white yarn to the back of work, attach soft pink yarn to complete the sc; ch 1; *sc in next sp; ch 1*. Repeat from * to * to end for 40 (44, 48, 52) soft pink sc’s. Ch 1. Turn

Row 22 – 40: Repeat for pattern working 40 (44, 48, 52) sc’s in soft pink and 10 (12, 14, 16) sc’s in white. At end of rows ch 1. Turn

Row 41: Repeat Row 3 for 10 (12, 14, 16) white sc’s; work 9 (11, 13, 15) sc’s in soft pink; ch 1; for 20th (24th, 28th, 32nd) sc change yarn to Flamingo (dark pink). Work in pattern for 30 (32, 34, 36) dark pink sc’s.

Color pattern: (10 (12, 14, 16) white sc; 10 (12, 14, 16) soft pink sc’s; 30 (32, 34, 36) dark pink sc’s)

Row 42 – 60: Continue in established pattern for appropriate color blocks from Row 41.

crochet color block pattern

Row 61: Repeat Row 3 for the 10 (12, 14, 16) white sc’s; 10 (12, 14, 16) soft pink sc’s; work 9 (11, 13, 15) sc’s in dark pink; ch 1; for 30th (36th, 42nd, 48th) sc change yarn to Hot Grape (dark purple). Work in pattern for 20 (20, 20, 20) Hot Grape sc’s.

Color pattern:

10 (12, 14, 16) white sc; 10 (12, 14, 16) soft pink sc’s; 10 (12, 14, 16) dark pink sc’s; 20 (20, 20, 20) dark purple sc’s.

crochet dress color block

Row 62 – 125: Continue in established pattern for appropriate color blocks from Row 61. At end of Row 125 cut off all yarns leaving 6 inch tails to weave in.


Using dark purple only:

Rows 1 – 3: Follow pattern for Front Panel

Rows 4 – 125: Repeat Row 3 with dark purple yarn only. Tie off yarn. 


crochet dress shoulders

With right sides together, wrong side facing you, attach at shoulders with yarn needle using whip st. Insert needle under two strands of ea panel. Seam for approximately 6 inches from arm to neck (you may adjust for neck opening as needed).

crochet dress side seam

With dark purple yarn, attach at sides beginning at bottom using whip stitch as for shoulders. Continue seaming as needed for your preferred armhole length. For size small leave an opening approximately 8 – 9 inches long.


With right side facing you, work two rows of sc’s evenly spaced around armholes using the same pattern as for the body.

Row 1: Insert hook at bottom of armhole opening with a chain. *Sc in next sp; ch 1; sk next sp; ch 1*. Repeat from * to * around the opening. Sl st to join at end of row. Ch1. Do NOT turn.

crochet dress armhole

Row 2: sc in 1st ch 1 sp; ch 1; *sc in next ch 1 sp; ch 1*. Repeat from * to * around row. sl st to join. Tie off.

Copyright © 2020 Sylvia Talo You may sell items made from my patterns. Please include a link or reference to my shop . Pattern and photos are copyright protected; they may not be reproduced, redistributed, or displayed publicly in any way.

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