Crochet Pillow Cover for Beginner


Wow! Look at this Crochet Pillow cover for beginner versus the store bought version. Save a fortune on home decor when you make your own crochet pillow cover. They look nearly identical!

crochet pillow cover for beginner

This easy crochet pillow cover uses a variation on the Crunch Stitch. I used single crochet rather than half double crochet to better replicate the store bought pillow. This also makes the pattern easier for the crochet beginner.

crochet pillow cushion for beginner

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Pattern fits 18 x 18 inch pillow. You may change the width by using a foundation chain beginning in an even number. Adjust for length by making as many rows as you require for your pillow size. Yarn choice determines how much the panels will stretch. For this pattern it is easier to use measurement in inches rather than a row count to allow for stretching.


Ch = chain

Sc = single crochet

Sl st = slip stitch

Sp = space

St = stitch

YO = yarn over

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Red Heart Soft/ #4/ Color Toast/ approximately (2.5) 5 ounce skeins or 640 yards.

Crochet hook G / 4.25 mm


Yarn needle

Measuring Tape

NOTE: Photos appear above corresponding row.

NOTE 2: For front panel you will turn at the end of ea row without chaining.   


Ch 70

Row 1: sl st in 2nd ch from hook; *sc in next ch; sl st in next ch*. Repeat from * to * to last ch ending with sl st in last ch.Turn

Row 2: sc in 1st sp; *sl in next sp; sc in next sp*. Repeat from * to * to last sp ending with sc in last sp. Turn

NOTE: You are entering the hook under the 2 strand ch that forms from the previous row’s st’s.

Row 3: sl st in 1st sp; sc in next sp; sl st in next sp. Repeat from * to * to end last sp ending with a sl st. Turn

NOTE: You are alternating sl st and sc for ea row. If you begin and end row with a sl st, the next row you will begin and end with a sc. You are entering a sc in sl st of previous row and entering a sl st in sc of previous row.

Repeat Rows 2 and 3 for required length. At end of last row, cut off yarn.

BACK PANEL (optional: you may make both panels the same as front panel)

Ch 70

Row 1: sc in 2nd ch from hook and in ea ch. Ch 1. Turn

Row 2: sc in 1st sp and ea sp across row. Ch 1. Turn

Repeat Row 2 for required length to match the front panel length. At end of last row cut off yarn.



With wrong sides facing out, using yarn needle and length of yarn, use a whip st to seam 3 sides. Turn pillow cover right side out. Insert pillow. Seam remaining side using same method. The seam will blend and not show.

Tassels (make 4)

Using any object (I used a small pack of gum) about 3 inches long, wind yarn around object to create a  tassel to desired thickness. Cut the working strand of yarn.

how to make tassel for crochet pillow

Using hook, take a strand of yarn about 10 inches long and pull under one side of wound yarn.

Slide the strand of yarn to top of tassel and tie securely with a knot. Double knot. Then cut all strands at bottom.

crochet pillow tassel

Slide tassel off of the object. Take another length of yarn about 12 inches long and place the tassel on top of strand. Strand should be about 3/4 inch from top. Tie securely with a double knot. Take the strands and wind around the tassel to form a decorative band. Do not wind too tightly. Tie strands. Trim bottom of tassel as needed for a 3 inch tassel (measuring from tip to to bottom).


Attach tassels to corners of pillow as shown in photo. After attaching, pull the two strands into pillow cover to hide.

You might also enjoy these crochet pillow cover patterns:

free crochet pillow patterns

Copyright © 2021 Sylvia Talo You may sell items made from my patterns. Please include a link or reference to my shop . Pattern and photos are copyright protected; may not be reproduced, redistributed, or displayed publicly in any way.

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