Crochet Sweater Pullover Pattern


Fun Crochet Sweater Pullover pattern (FREE!) featuring the unique Single Crochet V Stitch. Yep! A crochet V stitch using SINGLE CROCHETS! How cool is that??

Single Crochet V Stitch

crochet sweater bulky yarn

I’m willing to bet you didn’t know there was a crochet V stitch that used single crochets instead of double crochets. Let me know in a comment below if this stitch is new to you or if you’ve used it before (and in what type of project).

single crochet v stitch

I don’t know why the single crochet V stitch isn’t used very often. It results in a gorgeous, super textured stitch that can be used in so many projects from wearables to home decor.

This was the first time I used the sc V stitch and I’m looking forward to using it a lot more! It is so easy, yet so interesting.

Crochet Sweater Pullover Video Tutorial

Please watch the video tutorial for this crochet sweater for added visual instruction. This is also a great way for you to support my crochet business (my only income). I very much enjoy providing FREE crochet patterns and video tutorials for my fellow crocheters. However, it is quite a lot of work! When you watch the video tutorials on the YouTube platform (click the little button at the bottom of the video below) it allows you to give a thumbs up (thank you!), comment and subscribe. This interaction signals YouTube that you enjoy my videos. They will then promote and recommend the videos which helps my channel tremendously. Your support in this way is very much appreciated!

Printable Etsy Pattern

Click here for the PTRINTABLE Etsy pattern:

Size Small 

For additional sizes (Med, Lg, XLg, 1X, 2X)  the instructions are shown in parenthesis (X, X, X, X, X).  

This pattern uses a multiple of 2 plus 1.

Tension, hook and yarn used play a major factor in the outcome of the project. As such, all sizing should be considered recommendations and adjustments made accordingly.

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Yarn used here:

#5 bulky weight; Soft & Sleek Chunky by Hobby Lobby (4 skeins of 5 ounces ea or 20 ounces) / 844 yards/ Color Sage

Purchase similar yarn here:

#4 medium weight; Soft & Sleek by Hobby Lobby (1.25 skeins of 5 ounce ea or 6.25 ounces)/ 290 yards/ Color Purple

Purchase similar yarn here:

Crochet hook size I / 5.5 mm

Tapestry needle


Stitch marker (1) or contrasting yarn

Gauge: 6 Sc V st clusters = 4 inches, 11 rows = 4 inches

Dimensions:  Front panel – Shoulder to bottom = 20 inches; edge to edge = 18 inches; arm circumference = 13 inches


Ch 51 (57, 61, 65, 73, 79) 

Row 1: For this row only, work sc’s in BLO (or 3rd loop). Sc in 2nd ch from hook and in each ch across. 50 (56, 60, 64, 72, 78)  total sc’s. Ch 1, turn.

Watch the video tutorial above for a better visual of how to work the Single Crochet V Stitch.

Rows 2 – 14 (14, 16, 16, 18, 18): Sc in 1st sp and ea sp to end of row. 50 (56, 60, 64, 72, 78) sc’s. At the end of the last row change colors: Begin the last sc for 2 loops on the hook; pull 2nd color yarn through the 2 loops to complete the sc. Ch 1. Turn


Row 1: Sc in the 1st sp; *sk next sp; sc in next sp, ch 1, sc in same sp* (Sc V stitch created). Repeat from * to * to last sp. Sc in last sp. Ch 1. Turn  24 (27, 29, 31, 35, 38) total Sc V St “clusters”.

Rows 2-50 (54, 54, 58, 62, 70): Sc in 1st sp. Work * Sc V St  under the ch 1 sp of the next Sc V St below*. Repeat from * to * to the last “cluster”. Sc in last sp. Ch 1. Turn

crochet sc v stitch

Rows 51 (55, 55, 59, 63, 71): Sc in 1st sp; work in pattern for 7 (8, 9, 9,10,12) Sc V St clusters; sc in the sp next to the last cluster. Ch 1. Turn 

Row 52 – 55 (56 – 59, 56 – 59, 60 – 63, 64 – 67, 72 – 77): Sc in 1st sp; work in pattern for 7 (8, 9, 9,10,12) Sc V St clusters; sc in the last sp. Ch 1. Turn. Cut off yarn after the last row is completed.

Opposite Side Neck/Shoulder Shaping

crochet sweater bulky yarn

Row 51 (55, 55, 59, 63, 71): With the right side facing you, counting from the far edge, count 7 (8, 9, 9,10 ,12) clusters toward the center. Attach yarn with a ch in the sp next to the last counted cluster. Sc in same sp. Work in pattern for 7 (8, 9, 9,10 ,12) Sc V St clusters. Sc in last sp. Ch 1. Turn

Row 52 (56, 56, 60, 64, 72): Sc in 1st sp. Work in pattern for 7 (8, 9, 9,10,12) clusters. Sc in the last sp (the sc where you attached the yarn below). Ch 1. Turn

Row 53 – 55 (57 – 59, 57 – 59, 61 – 63, 65 – 67, 73 – 77): Sc in 1st sp. Work in pattern for 7 (8, 9, 9,10,12)  clusters. Sc in last sp. Ch 1. Turn


Rows 1 – 52 (56, 56, 60, 64, 72): Repeat Rows 1 – 50 of the front panel working for an additional 2 rows.

Row 53 (57, 57, 61, 65, 73): Repeat Row 51 of front panel.

Rows 54 – 55 (58 – 59, 58 – 59, 62 – 63, 66 – 67, 74 – 77): Repeat Row 52 of front panel. Cut off yarn at end of last row.

Opposite Side Neck/Shoulder Shaping

Work in pattern as for the front panel using the same counts as for the first side of back panel above.

SLEEVES (make 2)


crochet pullover sleeve border

Rows 1 – 12 (12, 14, 14, 16, 16): Work the same as previous borders beginning with a foundation ch of 35 (35, 41, 47, 53, 59) and working with 34 (34, 40, 46, 52, 58) sc’s.


Rows 13 – 47 (13 – 47, 15- 49, 15 – 49, 17 – 51, 17 – 51): Work in pattern for 16 (16, 19, 22, 25, 28) Sc V St clusters. Cut off yarn at end of last row.



Place front and back panels wrong sides up meeting shoulder to shoulder. Using yarn needle and length of yarn, seam at shoulders using a whip st.


Find center of top sleeve. Using a st marker, mark the center of sleeve with the shoulder seam. Seam with a whip st along the top of sleeve and front and back panels. Tie off yarn.

Side Edges/Sleeves

Using same method, seam the side seams of the front and back panels. Match the yarn colors for the borders and main body. Seam the bottom of sleeves. Cut off yarn.


Row 1: With right side of garment facing up, attach border color yarn at center of back neck with a ch. Sc in same sp. Sc in approximately ea sp around the neck. If you find the sc’s bunching up or becoming too dense, you may sk a sp here and there as preferred. When you reach the 1st sc of the row, attach with a sl st. Ch 1. Turn

Rows 2 – 6 (6, 6, 8, 10, 10): Sc in 1st sp and ea sp around. Sl st into the 1st sc of the row. Ch 1. Turn. Cut off yarn at end of last row.

NOTE: You may continue working additional rows if you prefer a wider/longer neck border.

crochet sweater pullover back
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Copyright © 2022  Sylvia Talo You may sell items made from my patterns. Please include a link or reference to my shop Pattern and photos are copyright protected; they may not be reproduced, redistributed, or displayed publicly in any way.

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