Crochet Tips and Tricks


Be the best that you can be! Best crocheter that is! You might find some new crochet tips and tricks here.

Watch the video for the detail. And don’t forget to give me a big thumbs up! thankyouverymuch And, uhm…there is a bit of controversy toward the end. Keep watching….

Easiest Slip Knot EVER

I’m assuming my grandmother taught me this crochet trick. Super fast and super EASY.

Borderless Foundation Row

I love using this crochet stitch for the foundation row, or row 1. I use this every time I don’t want to add a border on the bottom of a garment or bottom of sleeves. It gives a very clean look. Not flat like you would get with a plain row 1. Almost like 3D. Very cool.

Where to Enter the Hook?

Some crocheters don’t realize where you enter the hook in the previous row’s stitch will change the entire look of the current stitch. Hopefully the pattern will specify where the hook should be entered, otherwise all bets are off. Watch the video for this one. It seems obvious; follow the pattern right? But I know at least one crocheter who didn’t know there it mattered. Or didn’t know there were “other” ways to enter a hook in a stitch. Confused? Sorry. Roll the tape!

The RIGHT Way to Turn your Work!

Yes boys and girls. It does make a difference which way you turn your work! When you see the video you’ll see how obvious it really is. In the end, it doesn’t really make a HUGE difference to the finished product. But why not work as cleanly as possible I say. Which way do you turn your work? Let me know in the video comments. (Watch the video on YouTube.)

Don’t Gift Crochet Wearables?

Giving a gift of your crochet creations is something we all love to do. Sharing our talent and skills is fun for us and so much appreciated by the recipient. Usually. LOL. However…giving a crochet wearable, a crochet garment, can be tricky. Unless the person is right there with you, you can’t always have their correct measurements at the ready.

Even if you follow a crochet pattern exactly, a person’s personal tension and the yarn used, will absolutely skew the end product. If you’re gifting something like a poncho, that’s much easier to guess on the size. However, a crochet top or dress maybe not so much.

I much prefer giving crochet home decor items. Crochet baskets or pillow covers. Maybe crochet wash cloths. Crochet blankets, throws and afghans. For some of these it’s helpful to know your friend’s color scheme or design style. But for the most part, you can use neutral colors and be safe. What do you think?

Crochet Baby Gifts

Who doesn’t LOVE to make crochet baby items? They are so adorable and fun to make. They are a perfect crochet gift for a baby right? Welllll….not always. Hear me out.

I have seen countless crochet baby wearables and blankets that are made with cheap, scratchy yarn. It absolutely hurts my heart to see these. All I can think is “Oh, no. That poor little baby.” I absolutely can not stand to wear scratchy crochet items. Imagine how it feels to a baby who can’t object? The baby can’t say, “This is so cute. Thank you, but it’s uncomfortable.” The mother might notice it but she can’t really say so right?

We need to be so careful about the yarns we choose for baby items. And even if the package says “Baby” it doesn’t necessarily make it soft. I know. I made a top for myself with “Baby” yarn, light weight #3, and it is by far the scratchiest garment I have ever made. I was so upset.

So please, think twice when making baby items. The sweet little baby would thank you if they could talk.

Crochet Controversy!

Dum dum dum….What could possibly be controversial about crochet? I’ll let you watch the video and judge for yourself. Quite honestly, after I posted the video I got schooled pretty good on this subject. You can read the comments on YouTube to see.

So, what do you think of these tips and tricks? Find anything new? Anything you disagree with? Please feel free to comment on YouTube. I love to hear the feedback. Good and bad. Honest!

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