Crochet V Puff Stitch Pillow


Fun and Easy crochet V Puff Stitch pillow cover works up fast! Super textured, perfect for farmhouse style home decor. Crochet pillow covers are great for gift giving!

V Puff Stitch

The V Puff stitch is easy to learn and can be used in many crochet projects. This crochet V Puff Stitch cushion cover is a great project to try out this beautiful crochet stitch. You can try it with two colors and a striped design as I did here, or you can make it all one color, or any design you like.

Crochet Gift Ideas

This would make a lovely crochet throw as well. Make a matching set, crochet pillow cover and crochet throw to give as a gorgeous gift! Wouldn’t this be the most perfect crochet housewarming gift?

Free Crochet Pattern

The free pattern for this V Puff Stitch pillow cover is below.

V Puff Stitch Cushion Video Tutorial

Here is the video tutorial for the crochet V Puff Stitch pillow cover for your convenience. If you would like to support my work, please consider subscribing. You might have to watch the video on my YouTube channel to subscribe and comment. This extra effort on your part would be greatly appreciated! Enjoy.

Instructions are for an 18 inch by 18 inch pillow.

For 16 x 16 chain as instructed then follow instructions for the 18 x 18 size.

Use multiple of 4 plus 2 for other sizes.


Any #4 medium weight yarn

Used: Bernat Super Value / 6 ounces dark color/ 400 yards 3.5 ounces light color / 220 yards

Crochet Hook size J / 6 mm

Tapestry needle



4 V Puff Stitches = 4 inches

6 rows = 4 inches


Ch = chain

DC = double crochet

Sc = single crochet

Sk = skip

Sp = space

St = stitch

VPS = V Puff Stitch

YO = yarn over

NOTE: Photos (coming soon) appear above corresponding rows.

NOTE 2: You will need to cut off the yarn when changing colors rather than carry it up the edge or across the row. Leave tails for weaving in.


Ch 54 (46) with light color yarn

Row 1: sc in 3rd ch from hook; *ch 1, sk next ch, sc in next ch*. Repeat from * to * to last 3 ch’s. After the last sc and ch 1, sk next ch; 1 sc in ea of the last two ch’s. Ch 3. Turn

Row 2: Working in the first ch sp, *YO and pull through for 3 loops on the hook; Yo, pull through for 5 loops on hook; YO and pull through for 7 loops on hook. YO, pull yarn through all 7 loops. Ch 1*. In same space, repeat from * to *. This completes the V Puff Stitch. *Sk next ch sp; work a VPS in the next ch sp*. Repeat from * to * to the last ch sp. Work the VPS in the last ch sp. DC into the turning ch. Ch 3. Turn

Row 3: (This is the repeat row.) Work a VPS into the sp between ea VPS below. Do NOT work in the spaces between the VPS’s. Work into the center of the VPS. At end of row enter a DC into the turning ch. Ch 3. Turn  

Row 4: Repeat Row 3. At end of row, begin the DC in the turning ch for two loops on hook. To complete the DC, drop the light color yarn and pick up the dark color yarn. Complete the DC. Ch 3. Turn

Row 5: Repeat Row 3. At end of row, cut off dark yarn, complete the DC in the turning ch with the light yarn. Ch 3. Turn.

Repeat Row 3 for a total of 27 VPS rows. (You will have a total of 28 rows for the panel.) Work in pattern of 3 VPS rows in the light color and 1 VPS row in the dark color.

Back Panel

Work as for the Front Panel with only one color yarn.


Weave in tails on the wrong side. With right sides together, wrong sides facing you, use yarn needle and length of yarn to whip stitch around 3 sides of pillow cover. Turn right side out. Insert pillow. Whip st remaining opening. Tie off yarn.

Copyright © 2021 Sylvia Talo You may sell items made from my patterns. Please include a link or reference to my shop . Pattern and photos are copyright protected and my not be reproduced, redistributed, or displayed publicly in any way.

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