Free Pattern Crochet Summer Top


The free pattern Crochet Summer Top detailed below, uses an easy variation on a mesh stitch for a slightly open weave. Perfect for a lightweight crochet summer top. Use cotton yarn for extra comfort.

The yarn used here (see pattern details below) results in an infusion of effortless summery colors. Using a number 3 or sport weight cotton yarn and the slightly open weave will make this crochet sleeveless summer top your go-to top of the season!

crochet summer top for women

Crochet Summer Top Video Tutorial

Be sure to head over to my YouTube channel, Crazy Cool Crochet, to watch the video tutorial for this gorgeous crochet summer top for women.

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I took the opportunity in that video to let everyone in on a HUGE project I’ve been working on for a very, very long time. I wrote and published a book! Yessirree, I did that. It is not crochet related, however writing is my absolute first love and I just had to scratch that itch!

Before starting my crochet business, in addition to working as a human resources manager for many years, I did freelance writing. I detailed my writing history in my author blog here: I also wrote about this novel and how it came to be.

This is my debut fiction novel. I do hope that you click the graphic and take a peek:

Printable Pattern for Crochet Summer Top

Please head to my Etsy shop for the printable version of this pattern:

Crochet Summer Top Free Pattern

Size Small

Instructions for Medium, Large, X Large, 1X and 2X are in parentheses (X).

Results will vary according to yarn and tension used. Sizing should be considered “suggestions”. Adjust as needed. 

Materials for size Small

This post contains affiliate links which means I may earn a small commission for purchases made from these links at no additional cost to you.

Yarn used here/ Yarn Bee Sugarwheel Cotton / Color Sprinkles on Top/ Light or Sport #3 / 10 ounces / 670 yards

Purchase similar yarn and supplies:

Crochet Hook G / 4.25 mm

Yarn needle 


Measuring Tape

Stitch markers (2) or contrasting yarn

FIRST PANEL (make 2) 

Ch 37 (43, 49, 55, 61, 67)  Row 1: Sc in 2nd ch from hook and ea ch across. 36 (42, 48, 54, 60, 66)  sc’s. Ch 3. Turn

Be sure to view the Video Tutorial for better visual instruction.

Row 2: Sk sp under the ch, sk next sp;  *sc in next sp; ch 2; sk next 2 sp’s*. Rpt from * to * to last 3 sp’s. Sk 2 sp’s; sc in last sp. Ch 1. Turn

crochet mesh stitch

Row 3: Sc in 1st sc below; *2 sc in sp; sc in next sc below*. Rpt from * to * to last sp. Work 2 sc’s in last sp.  36 (42, 48, 54, 60, 66)  sc’s. Ch 3. Turn

Repeat Rows 2 and 3 for a total of 75 (82, 89, 96, 103, 110) rows. End with a sc row. Tie off yarn.


Ch 75 (81, 87, 93, 99, 105)

crochet open weave stitch

Row 1: Sc in 2nd ch from hook and ea ch across. 74 (80, 86, 92, 98, 104)  sc’s. Ch 3. Turn

Row 2: Sk sp under the ch, sk next sp;  *sc in next sp; ch 2; sk next 2 sp’s*. Rpt from * to * to last 2 sp’s. Sk 1 sp; sc in last sp. Ch 1. Turn

NOTE: this row varies slightly from the first panel at the end of the row.

Row 3: Sc in 1st sc below; *2 sc in sp; sc in next sc below*. Rpt from * to * to last sp. Work 2 sc’s in last sp. 75 (81, 87, 93, 99, 105) sc’s. Ch 3. Turn

Row 4: Rpt Row 2 from the first panel

Row 5: Rpt Row 3Rpt Rows 4 and 5 for a total of 39 (46, 53, 60, 67, 74) rows ending with a sc row. Tie off yarn.


Place two contrasting panels (short/long) together as shown in photo above, wrong sides facing up. Seam, using a yarn needle, length of yarn and a whip st, from the bottom to the neck. Tie off yarn. Leave tail to weave in.

Repeat for 2nd set of panels.


Place one panel on top of the second panel, wrong sides facing out (facing you). Determine width of neck opening (suggest 8 or 9 inches). Place stitch markers to indicate beginning and ending of neck opening. With yarn needle and length of yarn, use whip st to seam shoulders. 


Determine armhole opening; place a stitch marker. With wrong side facing up, seam sides up to the stitch marker. Optional: leave 3 or 4 inches open at the bottom to create a “flap” opening. Tie off yarn. Leave tail to weave in. Repeat for opposite side.  


With right side facing up, attach yarn at a shoulder seam with a ch to secure. Work a sc in ea st around the neck opening as evenly spaced as possible. Attach to the beginning of the row with a sl st into the first st. Tie off yarn leaving a tail to weave in.

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Copyright © 2022 Sylvia Talo You may sell items made from my patterns. Please include a link or reference to my shop Pattern and photos are copyright protected; they may not be reproduced, redistributed, or displayed publicly in any way.

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[…] Crazycoolcrochet has a lot of crochet summer top collections. You can look stylish all summer long. […]
