Make Money from Crochet the 21st Century Way


When crocheters are asked if it’s possible to earn good money from crochet the vast majority (VAST) respond with a resounding, “NO!”

Nobody wants to pay what my beautiful crochet blanket is worth! It took $50 in yarn and three weeks to make. They won’t pay more than $60!

Customers have no idea how many hours I slaved over this intricate sweater.

People think if they pay me what I paid for the yarn that it’s a fair price!

And all of the above is absolutely true IF YOU ARE STILL SELLING THE USUAL WAYS.

If you are selling your lovingly handcrafted crochet creations at occasional craft fairs, church bazaars, to friends, neighbors, family, and even on Ravelry, Etsy or other such online platforms, you likely are not earning anywhere near what your skills, talent and many labor hours are worth.

While some might earn what they consider to be a fair price, only a small percentage of that group sell enough to consider it an actual income.

For those crocheters who long to take their love of all things crochet and turn it into an actual money generating, good income producing business…the good news is…IT IS ENTIRELY DOABLE! You truly can earn a good, full-time income from crochet.

Folks…It’s not 1970!

I learned to crochet in the ’70’s and by the time I had kids and was a stay at home mom in the 80’s, I was crocheting every free moment. For fun. I knew there was no money to be had from my talent and skills. Even after Etsy came along I didn’t want to go through all that hassle to sell a hat for maybe $20. Always the realist I didn’t take it past the for-fun-hobby-only stage until I owned my own children’s retail shop and was able to sell my crochet children’s ponchos in the store. That was short lived and the profit was piddly.

Fast forward to 2018. And let me tell you it’s a whole new ballgame! The crochet for profit landscape has changed in ways you may not even be aware of!

There are crocheters just like you and me who are earning upwards (WAY upwards in some cases) of $10,000 a MONTH from their love of crochet. I kid you not!

How is this possible? Is it legitimate? What are they doing? Can I do it too??

Oh, it’s possible my crochet friends! I know because I have set up this crochet blog using their methods and processes. I have set a goal of earning $2000 a month within the first year. And I’m completely on track to achieve that goal!

As of this writing, is still quite new. However, better than projected, it started earning revenue almost immediately. Read about that here: Month 2 Income Report

How How How Already?

The gist of this business model (as I like to call it), is to use multiple streams of income.

In my case, I design, create, write and sell crochet patterns (on Etsy). I don’t bother with the one on one sales. NO PROFIT in that! I create the one item. Take photos for the blog and Etsy and now make videos for YouTube revenue.

The traffic from the blog drives traffic to my Etsy shop. Additionally, the Google ads on the blog and YouTube channel (sorry, I know they can be annoying) bring in revenue. And, affiliate income brings in additional income. In time, sponsored posts will bring in more income.

Crochet Blog

Crochet blogging is the 21st century way to earn a good, full-time income from crochet.  

“But I don’t want to blog!”
“I have no interest in blogging.”
“Sounds good, but I don’t know how to blog.”
“I’m no expert! How can I blog about anything if I’m not an expert?”

The beauty of setting up a crochet blog, is that you have total control of how you want your crochet business set up.

If you are not interested in “blogging”, then just use your website to market and promote your Etsy or Ravelry sales. Or sell straight from your website. Or all three!

If you already sell on your own Facebook page, you can (should!) still use a crochet blog/website to drive traffic to the FB page and vice versa. You can still set up the blog with Google Adsense and earn some additional money that way. You don’t need to go full on with affiliates and sponsors and YouTube. That’s MY preference. I need and want to earn a full-time income this way so I’ve gone all in.

And you don’t need to be an expert! The crochet bloggers that are currently earning the big bucks are no experts either. Most had never had a blog previously. They learned as they went. You have the advantage of reading through the many posts here at to learn the nitty-gritty of crochet blogging.

How do I Start a Crochet Blog?

I’ve written a very detailed (i.e. long) post here: Start a Blog

If you just take that first step to purchase your website name (domain name) and hosting (explained in the Start a Blog post) the rest will fall into place. You can take it as slowly or rapidly as you choose. You will be your own boss! You can work from home (or anywhere) when and how YOU choose. [See Disclosure below.]

I am living the life I’ve always envisioned: Doing something I am truly passionate about (never thought it could be possible). Earning an income from my love of crochet! And best of all…helping others to do the same!

DISCLOSURE: I may earn a commission from affiliate sources on this blog. However, I only recommend products or services that I have previously or currently use and trust.

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