My Etsy Journey Timeline

I started this Etsy Journey about 3 weeks ago (late August, 2018). (Click the purple link to read why it took me so long jump on that bandwagon.)
Even though I have decades a few years (ahem) of serious crochet experience, I only now joined the Etsy crowd.
Week 2
I accidentally went live about a week ago. I have been creating new designs and patterns which naturally takes time. I was making about one new item every couple of days. The pattern writing takes the longest.
And then there’s the photos. Yeow! That is a pain in and of itself. I don’t yet have professional photo equipment or easy access to models. So I’ve been making do with an Ipad camera and myself (cropping my head as much as possible!).

This post contains affiliate links which means I may receive a small commission for purchases made from these links at no additional cost to you.
So, I was taking my time adding items to my Etsy shop before going live with it when I got an email saying I needed to complete the payment page. Ok. So I did that thinking it was just another step to complete BEFORE going live. But oh no…turns out once you complete that page YOU ARE
Uhhhg. I only had about three items uploaded. So I had to scramble to create more pronto!
You don’t give customers a lot of confidence if they only see three items in your shop!
I now have 11 items uploaded. Whoo hoo!! Ok, well, it’s a start. And that’s quite a lot in such a short time frame. I”ve been working around the clock designing, pattern writing, photographing, editing, setting up this blog and writing articles. Whew! Such a whirlwind and I”m having a blast!
Want to join me? Start here.
Oh, and so far no sales on Etsy. I didn’t expect to have any this early on. So it’s all good. Check it out: CrazyCoolCrochetUS
In case you’re wondering why my Etsy shop has US tacked onto the name, somebody else already took the name Crazy Cool Crochet. Drat. So Etsy sticks US (as in United States) on the name to differentiate.
That’s the update thus far. Check back to see when I make that coveted first sale!
Update to Week 2:
Got my first Etsy sale on day 13! Whoo
Update to Update! Made another sale on the same day! Double whoo hoo!! I can get used to this. Update to the update to the update…two more sales! Yeow!!
Week 4
Sales at my Etsy shop, CrazyCoolCrochetUS, continue to trickle in. Each sale is still a thrill. Then I get all mopey if a day goes by with no sales. I have to remind myself it’s only been 4 weeks! It will take time to get found. And of course with no reviews yet it makes people wary and hesitant. I’m assuming. But I keep crazy busy designing, creating, writing patterns and taking photos. And I LOVE it all!
I have 19 items
Again, if you want to join me on this journey and set up your own blog to feature/sell your crochet creations, head over to this page: Start a Blog
It all ties in. This blog sends readers to Etsy. And for the Etsy customers who find my shop from Etsy searches they see all of my references to in my profile and in the pattern descriptions. It’s a big beautiful circle! Not to mention all the social networking on Pinterest, Instagram
Week 6
I have 22 listings up, all crochet patterns. Sales come in about 3 or 4 per week. I only have about 4 or 5 visitors per day. Usually half come from social media and the other half from Etsy searches. Considering how little traffic I’m getting, the sales are pretty good. Can’t wait to see how sales improve with more traffic.
I did a review of my sales and I’ve made 23 sales in exactly one month’s time from the date of my first sale!! Holy Toledo Batman! I consider that an amazing success rate! Look at all those exclamation points!!
If that’s not validation that having your own blog/website improves your Etsy sales I don’t know what is. I’m telling
Week 8
Traffic to my Etsy shop has grown quite a bit; tripled over the past couple of weeks. The traffic to my blog grew even more. As I keep repeating…the blog, this blog, is having a huge impact on the Etsy traffic.
I have written an income report post that shows exactly how much I earned from Etsy in month 2. Check it out: Income Report
Week 12
Etsy sales are brisk now; from 1 – 3 per day. I now have 27 listings (patterns). During the Thanksgiving season traffic slowed to a crawl. People were in holiday mode and I only had one
About 40% of the traffic is coming from this blog; 20% from Etsy searches; and the remainder from social media (Pinterest; YouTube). As you can see, a crochet blog such as CrazyCoolCrochet is crucial to the success of a new Etsy shop!
Week 18
Sales on Etsy are going well. I have 29 listings and really need to step it up! Sometimes I’ll do a freebie pattern at and not a paid pattern for Etsy so the Etsy shop needs more attention.
Traffic to the blog is growing, but slower than hoped. However, my YouTube channel is taking off nicely! The most popular video for the Pumpkin Spice Fall
Oh! Another milestone: I reached 1000 followers on Pinterest! Yay! I remember in month two worrying that I only had 200 followers. Hard work pays off! Read more about that journey here:
How to Monetize with Pinterest
As you may have noticed, I’ve added a more detail about the blog and YouTube and less about Etsy. This is just to show that all the various income streams are totally tied together. The journey is all inclusive.
If you are on the fence about starting an Etsy
Look here to see how to get started: Start a Crochet Blog
One Year Update
Etsy. At about the one year mark I have made about 450 sales (crochet patterns) with 41 patterns.
I have been placing a lot more emphasis on my YouTube channel. Word is video will replace blogs in the near future. Dunno about that…but in any case…I’m hedging my bets. LOL. I did finally get monetized on YouTube and it’s nothing to write home about. Uhg. SO much work for about $1 a day. I have about 3100 subscribers which is nice but not great. It is, however, growing exponentially day over day.
So all in all, my original plan for my overall crochet business is going well. I still have a long way to go before getting to full-time income status…but it is definitely going to be there someday. Yay!
Good Luck… seems like your on a great path so far. Good for you
I would love to start a crochet blog/ esty pattern sales but coming up with patterns would be my struggle as well as traffic etc… I have them in my head but i get discourage and worry about accidently ‘ripping off someones design’ although so many of them these days look the same anyway… How do you come up with cute designs?
Hi Patty,
Thank you for the encouragement. Do you currently sell crochet items? I recommend pattern sales over item sales because it’s more profitable. But you can certainly sell crochet items instead. Or neither! You can create a crochet blog about learning to crochet or any other related topic. You can still monetize the blog.
You are correct that a lot of designs look similar. Especially items like hats and scarves. If I see something I like I automatically picture it “differently”. How I might do it using different stitches altogether and with sleeves rather than sleeveless, etc. I’m currently designing a cardigan for example. Well cardigans have been done a million times. But mine has unusual “ribbing” for the borders along with a couple of switched up techniques.Just let your imagination run free!
As for getting traffic…I discuss that in several posts here (with more in the works). I want to help other bloggers succeed. Especially crochet bloggers! You’ll never know what you’re capable of if you don’t try!
Let me know if I can help in any way.
[…] the big market won out. I started making sales within 2 or 3 weeks of going live! Here is my crochet blog income report for month two. Not bad for […]