Pretty Crazy in Pink Poncho


What little girl doesn’t love a poncho with fringe? And pink at that!

This will be a staple in your crochet for sale inventory. 

This is the same super simple poncho design that I used to make and sell 50 in the 3 weeks before a Christmas holiday. I kid you not! 50!!

I simply adjusted the number of rows and length of fringe to create several different sizes. And different yarns and colors of course! 

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Worset weight yarn- 3.5 ounces. Brand used here: Red Heart Super Saver, color Perfect Pink

Crochet hook size J/6mm

Yarn needle

Gauge: 3 V st’s = 2” , 3 V st rows = 2”

Girl’s Size 2 (Adjust for larger sizes by adding 5 V st rows.)

Row 1: Ch 25, dc in 5th ch from hook, ch 1, dc in same ch, *skip 2 ch’s, V st in next ch (dc, ch1, dc in same space) in next ch. Repeat from * to last 2 ch’s. Sk 1 ch, dc in last ch. Turn.

Row 2: ch 3, *V st in ch1 space of row below, sk 2 ch. Repeat from * to last 2 spaces, sk 1 ch, dc in ch 3.

Repeat Row 2 for 22 total rows. Tie off.

Repeat all for 2nd panel.

Attach 2 panels, wrong sides up, as shown in photo. Using yarn needle, sl st along 2 edges as shown in photo. Tie off. Sl st along the other two edges. Tie off.

With right side up, attach yarn to bottom corner. Ch 1, 3 sc in same space, 2 sc in each space around entire piece, with 3 sc in 2nd corner. Repeat sc’s for three more rows. (My apologies! Photo here shows only 1 row of sc’s.) End with sl st in beginning ch. Tie off.

Attach yarn to neck, ch 1, sc in same space, 2 sc in ea sp around. Tie off.


Using any object (I used an address book aprox 5 x 4 x 1/8 in), wind yarn around aprox 50x. Repeating as necessary to get enough 7” lengths of yarn, using 3 per tassel. Cut proportionately longer lengths for larger sizes.

With 3 lengths of yarn on hook as shown in photo, pull through a space. Carefully remove hook, leaving the loop of fringe. With hook, pick up the ends and pull through loop. Repeat about every 3rd space, going around entire bottom of poncho.

Copyright © 2018 Sylvia Talo You may sell items made from my patterns. Please include a link or reference to my shop . Pattern and photos are copyright protected and may not be reproduced, redistributed, or displayed publicly in any way.

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