This page contains resources to help you with your crochet and/or other craft projects and resources to help you start a blog.

Some, or all, of these recommendations are resources that I use or have used in my own crochet projects and blog. Some, or all, may be affiliate links for which I might receive a small monetary, or other, compensation. (This is a piece of the multiple streams of income that make up a monetized crochet blog.) See Amazon disclosure at right of this page.

Crochet Resources

Here are a few of the basic items that you need to have on hand.

Good crochet hooks are a must! Boye brand are most crocheter’s favorite (according to an unscientific poll on a Facebook crochet group page). Here is a nice set:

I have always used Susan Bates for no particular reason. It’s entirely a personal preference and whatever you are most comfortable using. Just be sure to have a variety of sizes always on hand like these! Bates

And you always need a pair of small scissors nearby. They may as well be cool looking. šŸ™‚

I’m the only crocheter I know that doesn’t use stitch markers. I was never taught to use them so I do without. But I’ll put these here because most people do like to use them. Stitch Markers

Ok, this wooden yarn holder is on my wish list. It spins! Oh yeah. Must have! Yarn Holder

Craft Sellers

crochet sellers

If you sell your handcrafted items at craft fairs, craft shows or to friends, family or co-workers, you must be set up to accept credit cards. With mobile phones this is super simple to set up! Plug in a little card reader to your cell phone, swipe and done! Well, first you set up an account, link your bank info (totally secure!) and you’re ready to go.

If you don’t take credit cards you are losing out on potentially a lot more sales. I have used this company and card reader and can recommend them as reputable. Click on this link ro get a FREE CREDIT CARD READER!

Blog Resources

A big component of a successful blog is the quality of the photographs. You also need great photos if you sell on Etsy or other avenue. 

When I began this blog, in 2018, I used an Apple iPad I had on hand for all the photos, videos and editing. It comes with a built in editor, iMovie. That worked out fine for awhile but when I started creating the course Step-by-Step to SERIOUS Crochet Income, I knew I needed to upgrade to a better camera. I went with the Canon M50 because it is the camera of choice for most of the YouTube creators that I follow. It is affordable and the kit lens is perfect for blogging and YouTube videos. I like this camera so much better than the iPad!

I also strongly suggest using a small lapel type microphone. It makes a huge difference in the quality of the audio. Only $9.95!

I use a high quality, but super inexpensive tripod that allows me to shoot video from almost any angle, and make photographing my crochet products so easy. A mount for the iPad will be required. Also very inexpensive. 


Lighting is critical. You can see some of my photos and my early videos that I relied on natural daylight that didn’t always cooperate. Uhg. Lighting is fairly inexpensive. Here is a set of two, though you can get away with just one (about $35 – yes really!) to start off.  Pro Studio Lights


I fully intend to upgrade to a dslr camera and good lens asap! (The lens is the secret sauce.) I used to own professional level photography equipment (how I wish I hadn’t sold it!) so I know the quality of my photographs could be SO much better! A good camera, and particularly a good lense, take your photos to a whole other level. I have come to realize that the blogs that drew me in and started me on my own crochet blog business, had professional level photos. They are sharp and clear and simply gorgeous! The photos attracted me to their blogs and kept me interested. That is the point!

When I had my good camera I used the lens that came with the camera kit. The photos were nice enough. But when I upgraded to a pro lens…holy smokes! It was a new world. If you can, get the better lens right away. This camera and lens are what I used to own and can certainly recommend. Camera  Lens


Writing is a huge component of a blogging business. You need to have the right equipment that will allow you to write for long periods of time, and/or frequently.

I personally prefer to use my laptop. I grew up typing (as opposed to keyboarding) and I type fast so it’s much more efficient for me to use a laptop. I am able to literally place it on my lap (go figure!) and sit in bed or on the couch and get comfy and go to town with posts! I use a laptop similar to this one (I couldn’t find my exact model): HP Notebook

I was advised to just get a keyboard for my iPad, but I prefer the more substantial laptop. iPad Bluetooth Keyboard

Investing in your business is a good thing. And remember…if you set up your business as a business, these expenses are tax deductible. [I’m no tax expert. What I say here is from my experience having owned different businesses in the past. Consult with a tax accountant for your particular needs.]
