Step-by-Step to Crochet Income


In this post, step by step to crochet income, I outline a step-by-step process to help you earn MORE money from your crochet skills. Working from this list will make for much simpler, more efficient methods. Yes, there is a method to our crochet madness!

Earn Real Crochet Income

As I have detailed in the post Earn Real Crochet Income, the foundation of a money-making, income-producing crochet business is a crochet blog. In order to be able to earn THE MOST income from your crochet, you need to create multiple streams of crochet income. Below you will see the exact, day to day processes I use in my crochet business, Crazy Cool Crochet. It was set up to eventually (not there yet) bring in a full-time income from my crochet skills.

One of the blog’s passive (totally passive!) income streams (more below) is Google ads. Passive income means you typically set it up once and do nothing more and it keeps bringing in income. Nice eh?

Multiple Streams of Income

Selling finished crochet items is just one crochet income stream. And quite honestly, the least profitable. I know. I used to sell what I call onesie twosie items. I even sold in retail shops and made next to no money (after expenses and labor hours).

However, if you enjoy doing that and have customers who are willing to pay high enough prices (and you are willing to charge high enough prices, LOL!), then go for it!

Passive Income

Creating your own designs and patterns can be a very profitable crochet income stream. You make the one finished item and sell the pattern over and over creating more passive income.

If you have never designed your own crochet items…I”ve got you! Read this: Create Best Selling Crochet Designs

I use Etsy to sell my patterns. Others use Ravelry and some use both.

I also make crochet video tutorials of the same designs for yet another income stream. Those videos will eventually be monetized with more Google ads (Adsense). EDIT: Crazy Cool Crochet on YouTube is fully monetized and bringing in a healthy monthly crochet income!

Those videos will continue to be viewed for years and continue to bring in passive income.

There are several other income streams detailed here: Crochet Blog Income Report

Step-By-Step to Crochet Income

DISCLOSURE: I may earn a commission from affiliate sources on this blog. However, I only recommend products or services that I have previously or currently use and trust. [This is another income stream.]

These are the steps I take when I put out a new crochet pattern. The free crochet patterns are here on the blog and on YouTube and the paid versions are at my Etsy shop, Yes, people still pay for patterns that are free here. Some prefer printable patterns and some only visit Etsy and not the blog.

  1. Create design and write pattern (as I’m designing I’m jotting notes and write the pattern later)
  2. Take photos and video as I’m working up the item for the video tutorial and written pattern.
  3. Take photos of the finished item.
  4. Edit video. Edit photo for thumbnail. Upload to YouTube.
  5. Create custom thumbnail for video using Picmonkey (usually while the video is uploading)
  6. Edit photos for the Etsy pattern and blog.
  7. Write pattern. Save as a PDF.
  8. Write blog post for the free crochet pattern using copy/paste from the pattern. Embed video into post.
  9. Create Pinterest Pin and schedule to group boards using Tailwind
  10. Set up Etsy listing.
  11. Create a Facebook post for the new design.
  12. Breathe!

Those steps take several days to complete. Working up the item, taking photos and video usually takes two days. Then editing the video and uploading to YouTube can take from a half-day to a full day depending on how glitchy my iPad and iMovie are being. Everything else might take another day or two.

Yes, it’s a lot of work and very time consuming, but remember, once it’s all done it is passive income for years to come!

More info to help you set up crochet income streams:

How to Gain Traffic

Why an Email List is a Must

The Business Side of Blogging

Crochet Blog Income Report

How to Monetize with Pinterest

Equipment, Tools, Resources

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