Tailwind for Pinterest Drives Massive Traffic


NOTE: You can also use this method to sell crochet online without a crochet blog (example Etsy). Creating a successful crochet blog that brings in a full-time income requires proficient use of Pinterest to drive massive traffic to your blog. Pinterest has proven to be the single most effective way to grow a crochet blog. This is not difficult, but it can be very time-consuming. Fortunately, we have Tailwind to handle much of the leg work for us! Tailwind for Pinterest drives massive traffic!

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What is Tailwind?

Tailwind is an official Pinterest marketing partner so you know immediately they are a trusted resource!

Tailwind is an online tool that allows you to schedule your Pinterest pins quickly, efficiently and smartly. And I don’t mind admitting (because Tailwind is simply a godsend) that it is a tool that I, and most successful craft bloggers, cannot function without!

When I started using Pinterest to market my brand new blog, CrazyCoolCrochet.com, it was my first foray to the Pinterest universe. I needed to get up to speed fast and figure out how to create and use pins to send traffic to my crochet blog.

That was a beast unto itself! As I detailed in the post How to Monetize with Pinterest, graphic design and I are not friends. I knew that cool pins were a must so I managed to quickly (though not without some pain) master the art of attention-getting Pinterest pins.

How to Schedule Pins with Tailwind

Creating pins is just the beginning of a Pinterest marketing campaign. Sharing pins and having your pins shared is the next step. If you have shared or saved pins previously you will think this is no big deal. However, doing this for your blog requires a lot more time and special attention.

In order to maximize the effectiveness of your awesome pins, you need to schedule them at the optimal times your target audience will be visiting Pinterest. And of course you need to share them to specific group boards (more on that below). None of this is easily accomplished on your own. Enter Tailwind

Tailwind is able to determine the best times to schedule your pins when your readers are the most likely to be viewing. GAME CHANGER!

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Choosing pins to schedule becomes unbelievably easy with the Tailwind browser extension. This will pin a little icon on your browser bar at the top of your screen. (Tailwind makes this super simple with the simple click of a button.) While in Pinterest the little Tailwind icon will appear on each pin. You can either click on the Tailwind icon from individual pins or click on the browser Tailwind icon to choose the whole page of pins at once. So easy!

A Tailwind window will appear with the chosen pins and you can schedule to chosen boards from there. You can even change the pin’s description if you want.

Using Tailwind for Pinterest Group Boards

The next hurdle was mastering the scheduling of pins to group boards. Again, check out the post, How to Monetize with Pinterest, for an explanation of the necessity of joining group boards.

Pinterest group boards are a must if you are going to build a large following to your crochet blog. Once you have a decent number of group boards in your repertoire you will find that keeping them straight with regards to their particular rules will leave your head spinning!

They all have their own rules about how many pins you are allowed to pin per day, or even if you are allowed to re-pin the same pin, or exactly what type of links are allowed (to name just a few examples).

I managed to keep it all straight for about two weeks, then I started to keep a spreadsheet. Yeah, well that turned out to be even more work!

While researching the best ways to use Pinterest to drive traffic to my blog, I kept coming across bloggers who were raving about a program called Tailwind. They explained that Tailwind freed up a lot of hours they were otherwise spending on manually scheduling their pins. That spoke to me loud and clear because I was already spending a crazy number of hours pinning!

Tailwind Board Lists

Tailwind even allows you to create board lists. This has been unbelievably helpful to me! I can group boards with similar rules into lists. That allows me to, at a glance, know which pins are ok to pin to those group boards.

For example, group boards that don’t allow re-pinning of the same pins are grouped in a list. That way when I go to re-pin a pin, I know not to include that list. Prior to Tailwind I was going back and forth continuously to the individual boards to see if I was allowed to pin. What a PITA!!

Tailwind SmartLoop

Marketers spoke and Tailwind acted! Tailwind SmartLoop was created due to popular request. SmartLoop allows you to find and choose your best performing content from your website/blog and reshares the pins by scheduling them at the best times for engagement. Yes! Tailwind can actually determine the best times that your pins would be seen and clicked.

It can even determine seasonal pins and schedule at the appropriate time of year. And as if that wasn’t awesome enough, Tailwind even tracks your results so you can see which pins perform best. Another GAME CHANGER!

Tailwind Tribes

Oh yes folks there is more Tailwind awesomeness! Tailwind Tribes is like joining a secret society of marketers who completely understand your mission, goals and needs. They are ready and available to share your pins with an even wider audience to further grow your blog traffic! This cool feature is explained in the video below:

FREE TRIAL – 100 Pins Scheduled

As if all this wasn’t amazing enough, Tailwind allows you to schedule 100 pins for FREE! This gives you an incredible use of their features while you determine which plan you want to sign up for. And you will want to sign up when you discover how much time Tailwind frees up from you daily blog chores.

And believe it or not…I’ve only covered SOME of Tailwind’s features here! Oh, yes. There really is quite a lot that Tailwind has created to make your life so much simpler. And by the way…there is also a separate Tailwind program for Instagram!

Your blog traffic will grow so much faster and easier when you start using Tailwind. Head over to Tailwind right now to start your free trial!

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Learn more: Tailwind’s Typical Results

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